Posted by Anonymous 0 komentar
Are you uninsured? You are not alone. Millions of Americans are without health insurance. Some lost their insurance when they lost their jobs. Others work hard, but their jobs don’t provide health insurance benefits. Whatever the reason, fi nding health insurance can be diffi cult. If you are
looking for coverage, this guide can help point the way.

Starting points:
  1. Did you recently lose a job that provided health insurance?
  2. Did you recently lose job-based health insurance because of divorce or widowhood, or because you are no longer a dependent of your parents?
  3. Did you recently lose your job because of trade policy—for example, increased imports or jobs moving overseas?
  4. Are you an early retiree who has lost your health coverage?
  5. Are you unable to afford health insurance?
  6. Do you have a serious medical condition or a disability?
  7. Are you looking for health insurance but unable to get it through your job?
  8. Are you still unable to fi nd health insurance?

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