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Download free Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial.pdf The Cyberspace has opened up a whole arena of new marketing technologies and techniques. With the continued proliferation of the Internet into every aspect of life today, having an online presence if not a full fledged online business has become almost imperative for most entrepreneurs. Although this online exuberance exposes ample opportunities to reduce the meaning of the word ‘marketing’ to a shadow of its true self, the foundations of marketing don’t show any signs of becoming obsolete. Marketing still involves products, services and ideas which have to be sold at some price. These products and services still have to be delivered to the customers via some means of distribution. Promotion and advertising form an important part of the process even today.

But what has changed is the business environment. There is increased competition in the market owing to more efficient technologies and customers have better options to choose from. Internet has also lowered the cost of entry for new entrepreneurs, adding to the competition. So, this has brought about a change in the marketing strategies and programs being developed by the companies to sustain themselves in this crowded electronic marketplace.

All this has led to an urgent need for almost all businesses to market their products in the cyber world in a big way. Having an online presence has become more of a norm and a sign of professionalism. Clients and customers now expect to see your website address and email address in all your contact information and promotional material, providing them the option of getting information about your company, online. Going online also does offer its own set of advantages, making it attractive for the entrepreneurs.


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