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Download free A Complete Consumer Guide to Laser Hair Removal pdf. Laser hair removal is not for everyone. In general the requirement is that one’s hair must be darker than the surrounding skin. Additionally, very darkly pigmented people may absorb too much laser energy in their skin and may not be candidates. Tanned patients with light hair are not candidates. Tanned patients with dark hair must wait until their tan fades before they can be treated. Lastly, the treatment cost should be within reach of the patient. Laser hair removal, although much less expensive than electrolysis, requires multiple treatments and may cost over £1,000 in total for large areas.

Treatment cost varies with the size of the area treated. Experienced laser centres, which have
developed expertise in laser hair removal, generally average £200 for medium sized areas, with an initial 4 to 5 sessions recommended. Large areas, such as an entire back or entire legs can cost over £350 per treatment. Small areas such as an upper lip can be about £75. Individual consultation with the laser centre is necessary to obtain exact pricing.

Download A Complete Consumer Guide to Laser Hair Removal

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